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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to many of your questions. We will continuously update this section with more questions and answers.
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A syringe pump is required in order to generate a perfusion oscillating fluid flow once the pump is connected with the disposable bioreactor unit device.
Cellec strongly reccomends the use of the provided with the starter kit syringe pump. The choice of this pump has been made after long lasting validation and internal experimental tests that guarantee the compatability and high performance with our U-CUP bioreactor system. The use of a different syringe pump may negatively influence the performance of the U-CUP bioreactor system.
One pump is able to drive up to 10 bioreactor units at a time.
Only one flow rate can be set at a time. More spceficailly, the flow rates that can be set to the syringe pump, range from 0.001-10 ml/min (or higher). Once an appropriate value is chosen according to your experimental requirements, this flow rate will be used to drive up to 10 disposable bioreactor unit devices.
It is highly recommended not to use the syringe pump inside an incubator. Overheating of the syringe pump or even a shortcircuit may occur.
Syringes have been chosen after long lasting validation and internal experimental test in order to provide reliable performance along the duration of an experiment. Therefore it is strongly recommended the use of the syringes provided with the disposable bioreactor unit. Use of different syringes may negatively influence the performance of the U-CUP bioreactor system.
Cellec strongly recommends the use of the syringe tubes provided with the U-CUP kit. Use of different syringes may negatively influence the performance of the U-CUP bioreactor system.
All that you need to start your experiment is to purchase the starter Kit and select an appropriate scaffold for your cells and experimental requirements. Scaffolds are not provided with the kit but some are available through our website. For any additional information please do not hesitate to send us an email at
A U-CUP disposable bioreactor kit is a set of 10x disposable bioreactors with 10x pairs of silicon scaffold adaptors of certain dimensions that you have to choose. It contains also the syringes to be used with the syringe pump as well as the tubes to connect the U-CUP bioreactors with the syringe pump. It contains also 2x tubing scratch-holders for tube ordering.
Currently, U-CUP bioreactor supports rigid porous scaffolds of cylindrical shape with one of the following dimensions: diameter of 6, 8 or 10mm and thickness of 2 or 4mm. Please subscirbe to our newsletters in order to be continuously updated on this topic. Please do no hesitate to contact us by sending an email at to identify whether your scaffold is compatible with our U-CUP bioreactor system.
There are plenty of options of commercially available scaffolds. Some scaffolds are also availble through our website. Please do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email at to identify together the scaffold type that could satisfy your experimental requirements.
With one Starter kit you can run up to 10 bioreactor units which are inlcuded in the kit.  
That depends on the dimensions of the incubator available in your lab. Within a typical incubator device, you can fit up to 20 bioreactor units.
The minimum amount of medium you can use per bioreactor unit is 6ml while the maximum one is 14ml. Cellec recommends the use of 12ml per bioreactor unit.
This highly depends on your experimental parameters, such as number of cells you use as well as their metabolic activity, growth factors’ activity, total working volume of your culture medium within the U-CUP bioreactor etc. A rough indicator could be the change in the color of your culture medium (if phenol red is included) due to pH change as a result of the metabolic activity of your cells. As a thumb rule, for a range of 2-5 Mio of cells with 12ml of working volume, a twice per week medium change might be sufficient.

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c/o JFG Life Science Stiftung, Elisabethenstrasse 44

4051 Basel, Switzerland


Skype Name: cellecbiotek

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